I am so excited to tell my story
I have come a long way to success and am ready to help you achieve the same
My previous life
Ordinary life
Yes, I do believe that my life is divided into two parts. As the eldest girl of six children, I was born into a Caribbean family and a world of responsibilities including things like cooking, cleaning, changing diapers, and refereeing the fights between my brothers. We didn’t grow up with the latest toys, clothes, or gadgets but we were showered with knowledge and positive affirmations. My parents always made a way with what they had and they always did so with their heads and shoulders held high. I didn’t realize it back then but my parents gave me the gift of confidence which is one of the pillars on which I built my success.
Growing up plus-size in my household wasn’t a big deal until school shopping time. At a time when plus size fashion or online shopping didn’t exist (yes, I’m old-ish lol) I had to get creative and hack cool ways to wear items the wrong way, or shop in the men’s collection, or just wear what I wanted unapologetically. I was unbothered belly and all.
From my experience of finding stylish ways to dress my plus-size body, my personal lifestyle blog, The Life & Style of Crystal Chanel was born. The blog is where I share the idea that one can be confident and beautiful at any size catapulting me into a “plus-size guru”. My lifestyle blog became a resource for fashion, beauty tips, and DIYs helping me to connect with so many women that looked like me and shared common victories and struggles.
During this time I started to learn more about who I am and what I desired out of life. I learned about nutrition which subsequentially led me to the decision to have weight loss surgery.
Where there is confidence there is power and that is one thing for sure this world needs more of; powerful confident women.
After losing over 80 lbs I was reluctant to share my weight loss journey with my audience fearing I would be shunned for losing weight and turning my back on the plus-size community. I followed my gut and made the decision to be vulnerable and transparent with my followers and to just be myself. There was an outpour of support and I became an inspiration for others to start their wellness journey too.
Now I incorporate fitness into my social media to share this message: it’s not the size of a woman that makes her beautiful, but her confidence. I believe the way you feel is directly connected to the way you look so it’s a personal mission of mine to help women look good to feel good about themselves. Where there is confidence there is power and that is one thing for sure this world needs more of; powerful confident women.
Through many years of sharing my life on social media, I have found what works for brand awareness success. Ultimately, people buy from people they like or can relate to. I have built a foundation of trust from my followers by being a friend in their heads. I show the good and bad times to share a common experience. Today, I’m happily engaged, traveling a lot and I partner with companies as a consultant for social media marketing as well as working with inspiring Influencers.
I believe that my mission is to teach as many people as I can how to succeed in life, how to be happy and live every single day with a purpose. Believe me, it isn’t easy but it’s something anyone can do with the right information. The hard work has been done for you, so all you have to do is show up.
Congratulations! You are on the right way to building your empire. Looking forward to hearing from you.
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